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An Unbroken Grace
"When I first arrived at the home of Barry Lopez one November day in 2018, he pointed to a fresh Douglas fir stump and said, "We had to put down that tree." The Douglas fir was one of many old-growth trees surrounding Barry's home at Finn Rock, Oregon, along the McKenzie River. The tree had become diseased and Barry worried that it might fall on the house, so a few days before my visit, he and a n... posted on Dec 19 2021, 3,805 reads


What Defines You
Danielson Okeyo of Cape Town, South Africa, saw himself as something of a Superman because of his physical abilities. A series of injuries made him question who he was when he was no longer defined by what he could do. Okeyo takes us along on his journey to connect with the healing power of nature by befriending the ocean. In the process he realizes that nature accepts us as who we are. As he open... posted on Dec 18 2021, 2,494 reads


The Wide-Angle Legacy & Vision of bell hooks
"The news that bell hooks had died at 69 spread quickly across social media on Wednesday, prompting a flood of posts featuring favorite quotes about love, justice, men, women, community and healing, as well as testimonials about how this pioneering Black feminist writer had changed, or saved, lives. If the outpouring felt more intense than the usual tributes to departed scholars, admirers say that... posted on Dec 17 2021, 3,522 reads


Love Letters to Presence: Three Poems
"My name is Micheal 'Moley' O Suilleabhain. I am a poet from Ireland. These three poems are love letters to presence. That presence we feel when we are close to the source of this life. Gratitude, Wisdom, Determination, and Belief. The first poem, Turas d'Anam, means 'journey of your soul'..."... posted on Dec 16 2021, 7,200 reads


The Dying Sea: A Conversation with Radek Skrivanek
The Aral Sea was once the world's 4th largest inland body of water. The story of its loss, one of our greatest environmental disasters, remains unknown to many people even today. In this interview, Radek Skrivanek talks about his many journeys to document the demise of that great freshwater lake and the life it supported. It's a painful read, knowing the picture he paints is not fiction. ... posted on Dec 15 2021, 1,625 reads


An East-West Approach to Transformation
This film chronicles a coming together of U.S. and China leaders in the consciousness and wellbeing sector, led by Mina Lee. At the heart of Minas life and work is the permission to be stretched by love. She is guided by the question of how to bridge cultural and intergenerational divides the ways in which we dehumanize each other through misunderstanding, whether between investors and investees,... posted on Dec 14 2021, 1,609 reads


From Bullets to Bangles
"I am happier now, after the angst of my earlier years. Those years were rough. I started life in a factory as a coiled mix of copper and zinc being pressed into a small, cup-like shape. Then I was pulled mechanically into a cylinder and stretched to form a tight tube. Even the memory is painful: in order to be stretched without breaking, I had to be heated, annealed, pickled, rinsed, and measure... posted on Dec 13 2021, 2,080 reads


Ten Ways to Make Your Time Matter
"As a recovering 'productivity geek,' I know how it feels to become swept up in the idea of discovering the perfect system of time management. But I was eventually forced to accept that my struggles to achieve a sense of perfect control or mastery of my time were counterproductive, leading not to a life of more meaning but one of more overwhelm and stress. I came to see that I needed to give up th... posted on Dec 12 2021, 13,489 reads


Breaking Free From the Tyranny of Positivity
Ever been told to 'just be happy' or, to 'lighten up'? Does that really make you feel happier? For many, this advice leads to the opposite effect. Author of Emotional Agility and leading Harvard Medical School psychologist Susan David recently teamed up with award-winning journalist and author Maria Shriver for a unique conversation on why positivity doesn't necessarily lead to happiness. Read mor... posted on Dec 11 2021, 30,757 reads


While I Yet Live
The quilters of rural Gee's Bend, Alabama, many of whom are descendants of slaves, learned to quilt from their mothers and grandmothers. They also learned, sitting under the quilting table as small children, valuable life lessons, and the hopes and dreams their families had for them. Their brightly colored quilts speak of love, peace, joy, and the value of hard work. Like their mothers and grandmo... posted on Dec 10 2021, 2,295 reads


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